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Law Offices of Michael M. Felix Law Offices of Michael M. Felix
SE HABLA ESPAÑOL 562-445-4870

Waiver for the One Year Relationship Requirement for 75% of P-1 Members


This week, USCIS approved a P-1 Visa Petition for an entertainment group whose lead singer recently died in a fatal accident. The deceased lead singer's name was also the group's namesake. In addition, with the the death of this lead singer, adding another lead singer to this entertainment group would have resulted in USCIS' denying the group's P-1 Visa Petition due to the fact that at least 75% of the group's members had not been performing together as a group for at least a one year period at the time of filing. It must be noted that USCIS approved this P-1 Visa Petition because we applied for a waiver of the one year membership requirement for 75% of the group's members. The attorneys at the Law Offices of Michael M. Felix are thoroughly experienced in obtaining these waivers for our client entertainment groups. If you or someone you know is a member of a foreign entertainment group and 75% of the group's members have not been performing together as an entertainment group for at least one year, and the members of the entertainment group would like to apply for a P-1 Visa, please give us a call at (562) 464-6934 (562) 464-6934 for a free consultation.
